New Members

The mission of the 11th SS is to achieve a high battle success rating through organized unit cooperation.We achieve this by "team" work, proper planning, training ,and situational awareness.

First of all as a new member it is your responsiblity to stay in contact with your chain of command and keep them informed of your status. This will let the commander know when you are do for an award, promotion, and if he has u avaible for the up coming missions. So he can better plan out his situation for battles and to keep higher informed of your units stats. The more dedicated a player is of course the more he will be reconized through promotion up the ranks and posible positons in the chain of command. All good deeds are to be reconized and awarded. Keep your commander informed and always make screen shots of ur mission stats(for kills etc.). If at anytime you feel that your deeds are going unoticed please send a complaint to the DIV. S-1 with back up documention (screen shots and comments from other witnesses of your actions). The Div. staff and I will make all efforts to investigate your claim and make sure any due awards or promotions are handed down. Your Div. S-1 is your personnel actions branch. They are the ones overall responsible for keeping the records of your progress. This can only be done if you keep your commander informed so that he may submit your request to the Div. staff. Only contact the Div. staff if you have any problems with due awards that you believe you are not recieving.(please note it may take time to update your player info. on the webpage do to the work load the staff may have. The staff will send your commander and yourself a e-mail letting you know if you have been given an award or promtion. Please keep any of these e-mails that you recieve for your personal records so that if any mistakes are made you have the back up documents to show your awards and promotions.).

If you are interested in joining the 11th SS you must first find a sponsor, and attend at least 2 divional missions so you can see how we work and if you are satisfied with our unit set up. Next pick a unit type:
some of these unit types have sub unit types with in...:

If infantry is your choice pleas pick 11th SS or a nation volunteer
(the support units are mainly for players who are unable to play as often as required for active units. For example if you can only play once a week or less a support unit would be the best choice as those players in active units who fail to report for long periods of time will be reasigned to a support unit.)

Next submit your e-mail address with the unit type you picked, and send a few screen shots of your expierence. Also please inform us on how you found out about the 11th SS; If a current member told you about us please state there name. This will automaticly give you a sponsor.


TO div. staff i am intersted in becoming a memeber of the team. I would like to ofer my services as a armour soldat. I have sent a copy of some of my expierence. I was informed of this squad through "johndoe" my email is [email protected].

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